Snow Goose Hunt – Missouri 2015 – Video

HHO heads to Missouri for a Spring Conservation Order Snow Goose Hunt with guide Kevin Gibbons of Scott Robinson’s Waterfowl Specialist’s.

Oklahoma Goose Hunt Video

13 man limit on Canada’s, 3 specks, 2 wigeon, and 11 mallards. Running 60 dozen real goose silhouette decoys and 60 dozen tangle free sillosock decoys

Canada Goose Hunting With Three Wounded Warriors – Fowled Reality Video

The 2015 Peterson Outdoor’s Wounded Warrior Canada Goose hunt ended with a great hunt on the bank of a small loafing pond. An ice eater was dropped in the pond just days before in order to provide some of the first available open water as temperatures climbed above the freezing mark. It didn’t take long for the geese to find the open water and our hunt that final day was one that none of will ever forget! Geese with full stomachs gliding in and three Wounded Warriors having a hunt of a lifetime!